Campagna di boicottaggio Coca-Cola
Dal 4 al 19 Aprile 2005 mail bombing sulla Coca-Cola Company

Il 19 Aprile la Coca-Cola Company terrà la sua assemblea annuale degli azionisti all’Hotel Du Pont di Wilmington, nel Delaware (USA). All’ordine del giorno c’è una risoluzione presentata dal Fondo Previdenziale dei pubblici impiegati di New York City e dal Fondo Previdenziale degli Insegnanti, "per l’ invio di una Commissione d’inchiesta indipendente in Colombia".

Naturalmente, la Coca-Cola, come ha fatto lo scorso Dicembre qui in Italia, si oppone alla risoluzione, perché ha paura della verità dei fatti.

Lunedì, cioè il 4 Aprile, 37esimo anniversario dell’assassinio di Martin Luther King, grande leader dei diritti umani originario proprio di Atlanta, crediamo possa essere un giorno adatto per iniziare a bombardare Coca-Cola con e-mail e lettere di pressione affinché accetti la risoluzione degli azionisti.

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Testo da tagliare e incollare

Neville Isdell
Chief Executive Officer
The Coca-Cola Company
One Coca-Cola Plaza
Atlanta, GA, 30313

Dear Mr. Isdell:

I am writing because I have learned that Coca-Cola shareholders will be considering an important resolution at their annual shareholders' meeting on April 19.

Shareholders will be considering a resolution sponsored by the New York City Employees' Retirement System and the New York City Teachers' Retirement System that calls for Coke to sponsor the sending of an independent delegation of inquiry to Colombia to examine the charges of collusion in anti-union violence that have been made against Coke bottling plants in Colombia.

I have learned about these accusations of human rights abuses committed by paramilitiaries in connection with Coke bottlers in Colombia - and they are terrifying. They include the murder of a young union activist, Isidro Gil, and the subsequent killing of his widow. Union leaders at Coke plants have been tortured, intimidated, and threatened with death for exercising their basic democratic rights to organize and speak out on behalf of their fellow workers.

Just last month, a leader from the independent union of workers at these Coke bottling plants reported that he had yet again received death threats at his home.

He replied: "It’s better to die for something than for nothing." April 4th is the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., the great civil rights leader from Atlanta, Georgia. Like civil rights leaders in the U.S. in the 1960's, these union activists in Colombia are putting their lives on the line for justice.

I urge you to encourage Coke to support this important resolution. An independent investigation will go a long way towards shedding light on the problem and stop the ongoing campaign of terror waged against union activists in Colombia.

I hope that Coke can do the right thing and fix this chronic problem of human rights abuses.


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