Agencia Prensa Rural

Amnesty for Liliany Obando after eight years of legal persecution
Justice For Colombia / Thursday 13 April 2017

First arrested in August 2008, imprisoned for more than three years, and issued with a fine for £20,000, Liliany Obando has finally been freed from the legal persecution she was subjected to by the Colombian state.

Last month a judge notified the human rights defender and university lecturer that she had been issued with an Amnesty under the new law that had been passed in the context of the ongoing peace process.

Throughout the long search for justice for Liliany, Justice for Colombia and the British trade union movement has been at the forefront of an international campaign. British trade unionists were at the gates of the prison when she was first released in 2012 and MPs and trade unions over the many years responded with inumerable amount of letters and petitions to the multiple actions carried out by the Colombian state to punish Liliany for her commitment to human rights and for peace in Colombia.

Since her release Liliany has worked tirelessly in defence of those many political prisoners that continue to remain locked behind bars.

On news of the court’s decision her lawyers released a statement in which they thanked all of those who formed part of the campaign in any way throughout these many years:

“For the selfless solidarity shown by so many of you – from national and international organsiations, parliamentarians, and friends – we once again reiterate our deep gratitude and pass on the warm thanks of Liliany and her family to all of you”.