Agencia Prensa Rural

1st October: Day Of Action In Solidarity With Colombian Political Prisoners
Peace and Justice for Colombia / Thursday 1 October 2009

In Colombia there are more than 7,200 persons deprived of their liberty for political motives, that is to say, for having exercised their political opposition to the current regime or for the simple act of living in zones highly affected by the internal armed conflict; these persons are political prisoners, whether it be due to conscience, war, or judicial frame-ups.

For many years the Colombian state have ignored the situation of the political prisoners, with the intention of denying the existence of a social, political, and armed conflict, and evading its responsibility to seek a political and negotiated end to the conflict.

Under the policy of Democratic Security, of President Álvaro Uribe, the Colombian state has violated the right to life of more than 1,171 persons who are victims of extra-judicial executions attributed to the national army and also the right to freedom of thought, increasing the political persecution and incarceration without a cause against intellectuals, students, unionists, defenders of human rights, indigenous and workers. In this way whoever dares to express their opposition is repressed with imprisonment.

An example of this is the unjust detentions and submissions to the judicial processes of the sociologist and Colombian National University professor Miguel Ángel Beltrán Villegas, Colombia National University sociologist, defender of human rights Liliany Patricia Obando Villota, the graduate in Social Sciences from the National Pedagogical University and social activist William Javier Díaz Ramirez, and hundreds of unionists, teachers, students, journalists and members of the Colombian opposition presently linked to penal investigations with the object of generating terror and exterminating critical thinking.

In Colombia to reject and denounce this form of repression, diverse social and political sectors have organised various activities to mark a day of action in solidarity with Colombian political prisoners.

No to more judicial frame-ups!

No to the criminalisation of social protest!

No to the criminalisation of international solidarity!

Yes to the humanitarian agreement and freedom for all the Colombian political prisoners!

In Australia send your letters of protest to:

* Write to the Colombian government to demand that the Colombian regimen free Liliany Obando and all other political prisoners. She is innocent of any of the fabricated charges and it guarantees her safety.

* Write to Human Rights organisations asking them to monitor the safety of all political prisoners and demand a Humanitarian Exchange of political prisoners.

* Organise support for the Colombian Political Prisoners with resolutions from your student groups, anti-war coalitions, solidarity organisations, religious groups, local unions and international conventions.

Send your messages and letters to:

• The Attorney General’s office. Emails: &
• President Álvaro Uribe. Email:
• Interamerican Commission for Human Rights. Email:
• UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Email:
• Colombian Embassy in Australia, Attention Mr Diego Betancur.
Emails: &

Copy your messages to:

• Peace and Justice for Colombia, PJFC:
Emails: &
• Committee in solidarity with political prisoners. Email:
• Fensuagro. Email: &

Please donate to the campaign in Australia to free Liliany Obando.
Donations can be made to: Bendigo Bank, Carlton.
Account name: “Freedom Fund” BSB: 633 000 Account Number: 135064210


Colombian Organisations

- Campaña Permanente de Solidaridad con las y los Detenidos Políticas “Traspasa Los Muros”
- Campaña TJER Libertad – Por la Libertad de William Javier Díaz
- Campaña por la Libertad de Miguel Ángel Beltrán Villegas
- Campaña por la Libertad de Liliany Obando
- Cruz Negra Anarquista
- Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios
- Mandato Estudiantil por el Acuerdo Humanitario
- Colectivo de Estudiantes de la ESAP
- Colectivo Juana Julia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Asociación de Profesores Universitarios
- Federación de Profesores Universitarios
- Unión Sindical Obrera
- Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la USO
- Comité Permanente para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos
- Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria
- Coordinación Nacional Agraria y Popular

International Organisations

- International Network in Solidarity with Colombia’s Political Prisoners (INSPP)
- Peace and Justice for Colombia, PJFC (Australia)
- Freedom for Liliany Campaign (Australia)
- Campaign for Labor Rights (USA)
- Alliance for Global Justice (USA)
- Colombia Action Network (USA)
- Central America Solidarity Coalition (Canada)
- Colombia Solidarity Campaign (Canada)
- Latin America Solidarity Coalition (USA)

Organisations Behind Bars

- Colectivo de Prisioneras Políticas “Traspasa los Muros” – Reclusión de Mujeres el Buen Pastor de Bogotá

- Colectivo de Prisioneros Políticos “Traspasa los Muros” – Cárcel Nacional la Modelo de Bogotá – Alta Seguridad

- Colectivo de Prisioneros Políticos “Traspasa los Muros” – Establecimiento Carcelario y Penitenciario La Picota de Bogotá