Protest over Coca-Cola rights record

by Louise Taylor
Scottish Socialist Voice

25th Nov 05

On Sunday 20 November, protestors demonstrated at the East Kilbride Coca-Cola factory against the corporation's abuse of human rights and the environment in Colombia and India.

This is the second of such protests which are aimed at highlighting Coca-Cola's unethical practices in various countries. The demo was well timed to coincide with the many problems facing the company in this week's news.

Not only have the company been successfully taken to court over their underhand marketing tactics in Mexico, but have also been the subject of a ban by Turin Council, the host of the Winter Olympics this February.

In addition, the BBC documentary Coke on the Rocks discussed the company's contribution to the obesity epidemic and the attempts of various governments to remove carbonated drinks from schools.

The three speakers at the demonstration were Angela McCormick of Globalise Resistance, SSP MSP Frances Curran, and Euripides Yance, a Colombian Coca-Cola worker and member of the Sinaltrainal union.

Euripides, who is currently on a speaking tour of various universities and trade union groups, spoke of the assassination of a fellow worker who was murdered during a legal battle over unfair dismissal.

He explained that he has travelled here from Colombia to show us how we can help hold Coke accountable for their actions. He believes it is vital to confront the company directly and that it is important to inform the local workers of the situation in Colombia.

He hopes that through his visit, Sinaltrainal can gain the support of the workers at the East Kilbride plant.

Euripides also talked about Coke's practices in other countries including India, Afghanistan, Venezuela, and Iraq, showing how the company will ruthlessly exploit any situation in order to increase their profits.

Euripides said:

"Coke's policies are the same all around the world and these workers will eventually experience problems.

"If we don't stop these policies today, we will all be affected in the future."

By joining the international boycott, you can show Coke that these practices are unacceptable, and create pressure for change.

* To get involved in the East Kilbride Coca-Cola Boycott group, contact Louise Taylor at:

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