Articles in English
US revives Colombia bio-war plan by Bill Weinberg (17.06.2006)
The DEA stopped funding Fusarium research in the United States during the early '90s after it learned that Fusarium infections can be deadly in "immunocompromised" people --not only AIDS patients and those with other illnesses, but also those who are severely malnourished. The University of the Andes in Bogotá has recently reported that 12 percent of Colombian children suffer from chronic malnutrition. Spraying this fungus on a vulnerable population could be perceived as using a biological weapon.
Urgent Action On Colombian Miners by Colombia Support Network (07.06.2006)
U.S.-based Drummond Coal Company and Swiss-based Glencore International are now the subject of strikes by aggrieved workers. Mark Rich, who received a pardon from President William Clinton for his criminal actions, is reportedly an owner of Glencore. Recently a former official of Colombia's Administrative Department of Security testified he saw the president of Drummond's Colombia coal operation pay money to a paramilitary leader to murder union members at Drummond's coal mine in the Guajira Peninsula in northern Colombia. Two miners who were union leaders were thereafter murdered by paramilitary forces.
Act to oppose Globalization consequenses in Colombian mining by Colombia Support Network (21.05.2006)
The Colombian Army has been carrying out joint maneuvers with paramilitary forces in the gold-mining regions in the south of Bolivar department. These maneuvers are designet to force small-scale miners off their lands and make them available to foreign mining companies. These mineral-rich lands have been coveted for years by foreign mining companies dating back to 1996 when the Canadian company Corona Goldfields soughy to have a mining code implemented which would give the company rights to gold mines which small-scale miners living in the area have worked for many years.
Activist Killed by FARC by Weekly News
Update on the Americas (26.03.2006)
On Mar. 23, the Campesino Association of the Cimitarra River Valley
(ACVC) said it had determined that guerrillas from the 24th Front of
the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) were responsible for
the Feb. 18 murder of community leader Guido Romero, vice president
of the Communal Action Board in the rural community of La Victoria in
Cantagallo municipality, Bolivar department. The ACVC had attributed
the murder to rightwing paramilitaries in a Feb. 21 communique.
Murder in Cimitarra valley by Weekly
News Update on the Americas (05.03.2006)
The Campesino Association of the Cimitarra River Valley (ACVC) has reported
a recent increase in paramilitary murders, threats and other activities
in the Cimitarra valley of Colombia's Magdalena Medio region, where
the departments of Bolivar, Santander and Antioquia intersect. At a
meeting in Cantagallo, a paramilitary member from Barrancabermeja in
Santander department announced that the legalized paramilitary groups
known as Convivir must be reestablished in the town.
Political Intervention in Latin America, 2006 by
In the Name of Democracy (16.01.2006)
Workshop, 2006 World Social Forum. This workshop
is designed to bring together representatives of social movements and
community organizations in Latin American countries currently experiencing
political intervention and independent journalists, researchers and
activists from across the hemisphere for a popular education and strategy
session. In the Name of Democracy is a project of Pueblos En Camino,
a collective dedicated to helping "weave autonomies" for justice
and peace.
Memo: Corrupt DEA Agents in Colombia Help Narcos and Paramilitaries
by Bill Conroy (09.01.2006)
Internal Justice Dept. document alleges drug trafficking
links, money laundering and conspiracy to murder. The information in
that document is also corroborated by a number of other sources that
spoke directly to Narco News. The memo further claims that, rather than
being simply a few "bad apples" who need to be reported to
their superiors, these allegedly dirty agents are being protected by
an ongoing cover-up orchestrated by "watchdog" agencies within
the Justice Department.
Struggle for Land in Colombia by Hector
Mondragon (09.01.2006)
If there had been justice and reparation for the
victims of hundreds of massacres committed in the last twenty years
in the Colombian countryside, as well as those committed between 1946
and 1958 and in previous waves of violence, the principal measure would
be to return their land to the campesinos, indigenous people and afro-colombians
who have time and again been thrown off Mother Earth by blood and fire.
Warfare in Colombia by Garry Leech
With extensive personal experience in Putumayo under
my belt and having read numerous erratic accounts of the U.S. war on
drugs in Colombia, I cautiously picked up a copy of the recently published
book by Hugh O’Shaughnessy and Sue Branford titled Chemical Warfare
in Colombia: The Costs of Coca Fumigation. My concerns would prove to
be unwarranted as it quickly became evident that Chemical Warfare in
Colombia is the best book yet written about the U.S. war on drugs in
The Horror Continues
in Colombia Against the Unarmed Civilian Population by
Regional Foundation Group of Human Rights "Joel Sierra"
Select killings continue to happen in Saravena,
which is one of the most militarized areas in Colombia. Since the beginning
of this current government the area has been called an experiment in
"Democratic Security" and has been depicted as a supposedly
recovered area from the guerrillas. We ask, how many murders must there
be before a humanitarian and social crisis is declared and steps are
taken to help the situation?
Faces Mounting Pressure over Abusive Practices at Plants Worldwide
by Haider Rizvi (14.12.2005)
Coca-Cola, the multinational soft drink giant, is
facing the wrath of rights advocacy groups here in the United States
and abroad for refusing to take responsibility for abusive practices
at its bottling plants. The company is also under fire in a number of
Asian and Latin American countries, where labor unions, peasant groups,
and consumer associations are relentlessly campaigning to force Coca-Cola
to just pack up and leave.
support for missing peace activists by
Renata Sancken (14.12.2005)
Since the disappearance of Norman Kember, Harmeet
Sooden, James Loney, and Tom Fox, the four Christian Peacemaker Team
(CPT) members who have been taken hostage in Iraq, there has been an
outpouring of support for the captives from around the world. All four
were in Iraq working for peace, talking with Iraqi people, and have
been missing sine 29 November. Among the four is Norman Kember, a British
lifelong pacifist.
assassinate 22 campesinos in the municipality of Curumani
by Association for the Promotion of Social Alternatives
Minga (09.12.2005)
Paramilitaries currently in the process of negotiating
with the national government, detained, tortured and executed 22 campesinos
in the villages of La Mas Verde and Nuevo Horizonte, Curumani municipality,
Cesar. On 4 and 5 December 2005, a group of approximately 200 armed
men in uniform, presenting themselves as members of the North Block
of the Paramilitaries under the command of Jorge 40 (alias), carried
out all manner of violations and humiliating acts against the civilian
for our brothers from CPT, peace fighters in Iraq by
Peasant Association of Cimitarra River Valley (02.12.2005)
Our brothers and companions Norman Kember, Briton
74-year-old, the American 54-year-old Tom Fox, and the Canadians 41-year-old
James Loney, and Harmeet Singh Sooden, 32, members of Christian Peacemaker
Teams (CPT) were retained unjustly on Saturday, the 26th of November
by the "Brigade of the Swords of the Righteousness". We know
CPT from 2001, they have walked close to us, exposing their lives, along
the paths of pain and injustice so common in Colombia.
of Smoke Grenades, M-16 Kits En Route to Colombia by
Stephen Peacock (30.11.2005)
The U.S. State Dept. is soliciting proposals from
manufacturers of smoke grenades, thousands of which the Bureau of International
Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) plans to send annually to
the government of Colombia. The INL yesterday called on U.S.-only smoke-grenade
makers to submit cost estimates by Dec. 7 for up to 3,000 red- and green-smoke
over Coca-Cola rights record by Louise
Taylor (25.11.2005)
On Sunday 20 November, protestors demonstrated at
the East Kilbride Coca-Cola factory against the corporation's abuse
of human rights and the environment in Colombia and India. This is the
second of such protests which are aimed at highlighting Coca-Cola's
unethical practices in various countries. Not only have the company
been successfully taken to court over their underhand marketing tactics
in Mexico, but have also been the subject of a ban by Turin Council,
the host of the Winter Olympics this February.
Coca-Cola loses
monopoly by Barbara Scott (25.11.2005)
Campaigners against the soft drinks giant Coca Cola
received some good news this week. The multinational has been fined
almost £40 million by the Mexican federal competition commission for
"monopolistic practices". What's most amazing about this story
is that the case was brought by the owner of a tiny, one-room shop in
the working-class Iztapalapa neighbourhood of Mexico City. Her complaint
to the competition commission was eventually accepted and other evidence
of similar incidents was uncovered.
Victory, Warning: Freedom for Mother Earth and San Jose de Apartado
by En Camino (17.11.2005)
While there is of course a victory for the persistence
of those who organized for ‘Freedom for Mother Earth’, the violence
in San Jose de Apartado on the same day might lead to the suspicion
that the government might not negotiate in good faith. Striking at one
community while talking to another is a disrespect to all. Still, what
has happened in Japio with ‘Freedom for Mother Earth’ has been remarkable,
another achievement for the indigenous movement, as was the Popular
Consultation on the FTA.
in the Sand: A Week of Drug War Summits in South America
by Dan Feder (19.10.2005)
The northern Colombian city of Santa Marta --and
Colombian president Álvaro Uribe-- played host this week to the 15th
Summit of the Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (HONLEA)
of Latin America and the Caribbean. President Uribe, addressing the
delegations of about forty nations, took the opportunity to bash the
drug legalization movement and demand that its neighbors do more to
stop Colombian drugs from reaching consuming countries.
of Indigenous Resistance" picket of Colombian embassy in London
(report) by Pescao
Exactly 513 years since Christopher Columbus "discovered"
America, around 40 peace and solidarity activists picketed the Colombian
embassy in support of workers, students, indigenous communities and
other social movements there out on general strike. The strikers were
protesting against this state-sponsored terrorism as well as president
Uribe tampering with the Constitution in order to stand for re-election
next year. Colombia is the most dangerous country in the world to be
an activist.
impunity: Do Colombia and U.S. think some terrorists are better than
others? by Cecilia Zarate-Laun (30.09.2005)
The visit of Colombian President Uribe to Crawford
Texas ranch of George W. Bush, the historical context of the demobilization
of the paramilitary forces (AUC) and its impact on the victims of paramilitary
violence. This "demobilization" is to occur within the context
of Colombia's Law of Justice and Peace. The Colombian president has
expressed his interest in training demobilized paramilitaries as guides
in national parks, cultural workers, security guards in shopping centers
or at public events like concerts or games.
Farmers Occupy Town to Protest Drug War by
César Jerez (28.09.2005)
Around 300 people, including several woman and children,
from the 22 outlying rural zones of the town of Catagallo, have been
occupying the municipality’s downtown area since Saturday, September
24... The protest action is being realized, according to participants,
because of the grave situation of health and nutrition that the local
peasant farmers are currently enduring as a product of the indiscriminate
fumigations of Plan Colombia. The farmers are demanding an end to the
FARC-EP in Colombia: A Revolutionary Exception in an Age of Imperialist
Expansion by James J. Brittain
The United States and the Colombian ruling oligarchy
have, since the 1960s, repeatedly implemented socioeconomic and military
campaigns to defeat the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia
- Ejército del Pueblo, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia -
People’s Army (FARC-EP). However, this offensive, whose main purpose
is to maintain capitalist accumulation and expansion, has resulted in
an embarrassing setback for U.S. imperialism and the Colombian ruling
Judge Gone Crazy? Tells
Colombian Revolutionaries: "Come to D.C." by
Fight Back News Service (21.09.2005)
A U.S. judge placed ads in Colombia's newspapers
the last week of August "ordering"
the FARC - the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, to appear in
his Washington D.C. courtroom. This adds to a list of bizarre procedures
involving the extradition, imprisonment and trial of Ricardo Palmera,
an important FARC leader. U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan ridiculously
asserts that the FARC members should leave their homeland and come to
the U.S. to appear on charges of, "taking
hostages in violation of U.S. laws."
Blanket Coverage
by Garry Leech (Summer
Yet whilst President Uribe's strategies have diminished
kidnapping and killings, they have also resulted in a dramatic increase
in forced 'disappearances' and arbitrary detentions. Under the Uribe
administration, human rights abuses by state security forces waging
a counter-insurgency war against the country's largest leftist guerrilla
group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), have risen
amongst the bullets in San Josecito de Apartadó, Colombia; An Invitation...
by Anne Barr
I have just spent a week in the new settlement of San Josecito, Urabá,
where the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó moved to when the
police and army moved into their village 3 months ago. They left their
comfortable houses to build a new village from scratch because they
refused to accept as their 'protectors' the same armed forces whose
most recent crime, in a very long list of crimes, was the massacre 8
members of the Community including a baby and two kids.
Paramilitaries Kill Campesino by Weekly
News Update on the Americas (17.07.2005)
On July 3, at a checkpoint on the road leaving the town of Dabeiba in
Antioquia, rightwing paramilitaries took campesino Albeiro Higuita Agudelo
off a local bus heading for Camparrusia. Later that afternoon, Higuita's
body, showing visible signs of torture, was found in Boton, 10 minutes
from Dabeiba on the road to Medellin. Higuita was a member of the Campesino
Association of Dabeiba; he lived in Balsillas, a rural community two
and half hours from the town of Dabeiba.
the 'Justice and Peace Act' by Berta
Joubert-Ceci (07.07.2005)
In June the Colombian Congress approved a bill entitled the "Justice
and Peace Act" (JPA) that will reduce the sentences of right-wing
paramilitaries --really death-squad members-- who confess their crimes,
return stolen goods and compensate their victims. This law's opponents
say it will grant immunity to paramilitaries for their many crimes.
Around the same time, the U.S. Congress extended Plan Colombia, which
was due to end this year. Interview with Colombian labor unionist.
on San Jose Massacre by Colombia Support
Network (05.07.2005)
The Colombia Support Network (CSN) is pleased to be able to release
the results of an investigation carried out by a fact-finding CSN delegation
from San Jose de Apartado's sister community of Dane County (Madison)
Wisconsin. The delegation investigated the massacre of February 21,
2005, in which Peace Community leader Luis Eduardo Guerra and 7 other
persons were murdered.
world control: towards a defeat? by Don
Hoskins (03.07.2005)
Middle East insurgency chaos and setbacks for US invasion are looking
more and more like a catastrophic defeat for imperialism's world control.
Iran vote for militancy and anti-westernism adds to the problems, combining
with rising worldwide hostility from South America to Africa. But setbacks
will not halt imperialism's plunge to Third World War war, driven by
urgent necessity to deal with its now historically unprecedented depths
of crisis contradictions.
Coca-Cola Boycott Gains Victory by Fight
Back News Service (07.2005)
Students boycotting Coca-Cola have won another victory. At Chicago's
DePaul University on July 7, university administrators from across the
U.S. agreed to an independent investigation of the murder of nine Colombian
trade unionists who worked at Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola uses death squads
to break the Coca-Cola workers' union in Colombia. In India, Coca-Cola
has been illegally polluting the water and land of poor peasant farmers.
Coke's deadly policies exposed by Bryan
G. Pfeifer (30.06.2005)
A struggle against Coca-Cola's labor and human-rights violations in
Colombia and elsewhere continues building in the United States, Canada
and many other countries. The Student Coalition to Cut the Coca-Cola
Contract dealt the latest blow to the multi-billion dollar corporation.
In a June 20 news release, the coalition announced that the University
of Michigan has placed Coke "on probation"
until August 2006 because of the corporation's actions in Colombia and
Peace Initiatives Under Attack by Bill
Weinberg (10.06.2005)
In recent weeks, the government of President Alvaro Uribe has launched
a major counter-guerilla offensive, a showcase of his Orwellian "democratic
security" program. The offensive itself is called the Patriot
Plan, in apparent emulation of the US anti-terrorist legislation. One
frontline in this contest is Toribio, a Nasa Indian village in the mountains
of conflicted Cauca department, where residents have proclaimed their
own right not to participate in the war.
Dreams to Harvest Peace" by Asociación
Campesina del Valle del Río Cimitarra (09.06.2005)
In their territory, the campesinos continue wretched yet stubborn, restless,
organized, with their plans and proposals, to stay alive, attached to
the land, while the war is defined and a political solution to the conflict
is cleared up. National and International Solidarity Campaign with the
Campesino Association of the Cimitarra River Valley (ACVC). "We
are the political wing of the campesino".
Rice gives thumbs up to Colombia's death squad government
by Socialist Resistance (06.2005)
Rice stated on her visit that the notorious 'Plan Colombia', passed
by the US congress four years ago, had been "highly
successful". The plan was posed as an attempt to crush Colombia's
drug lords, but in reality the bulk of the $4 billion spent by the US
on the plan so far has been spent on the Colombian military, to aid
them in the fight against the FARC and ELN leftwing guerrillas.
Manzano: A survivor of the UP (Patriotic Union) persecuted by the Colombian
State by César Jerez (27.05.2005)
The story of the life of Álvaro Manzano should be a contribution
to memory, truth and justice which sooner or later will have to come
to all the victims of the UP.
corruption accompany Plan Colombia by
Berta Joubert-Ceci (19.05.2005)
Conservatives are criticizing Plan Colombia for its failure, both in
its stated goal of eradicating the drug industry and its intention of
destroying the armed insurgency, which can no longer be hidden. But
progressive organizations in Colombia and around the world blame it
for causing terrible human rights abuses that have taken the lives and
the freedom of thousands of Colombians.
tramples indigenous rights by An Phoblacht
Jaime Arias is a spokesperson for the Kankuamo indigenous people of
Colombia, who are paying a very high price for trying to maintain their
culture and identity. In 2001, Colombian paramilitaries tortured and
killed Jaime's father, a spiritual leader. In August 2004, one of his
brothers, Freddy Arias, the coordinator of human rights issues in the
Kankuamo Indigenous Organisation, was also killed. An Phoblacht interviewed
Jaime during his recent visit to Ireland.
Latin America, Caribbean: Millions come out for May Day by
Berta Joubert-Ceci (04.05.2005)
Throughout Latin America the commemoration of May Day was once again
a reminder that the majority of the peoples are not willing to allow
the United States to impose so-called "free trade" agreements
on them. From Mexico to Argentina, unions and social organizations mobilized,
honoring the legacy of the Chicago heroes of 1886 while bringing into
focus the local issues particular to each country-all of them voicing
specific demands on their own governments.
and Displacement Foretold in Colombia by
Joe DeRaymond (10.04.2005)
On January 15 of this year, Luis Eduardo Guerra, a founder of the Peace
Community of San José de Apartadó, stated in an interview,
"Today we are talking, tomorrow we can be dead. Today we are in
San Jose, tomorrow the community can be displaced by a massacre of 20
or 30 people." We know now that Luis was a walking ghost,
and that his statement foretold his own death, for on February 20 or
21, in a rural settlement of the Peace Community, he died in a massacre.
vs. Venezuela: Big Oil's Secret War? by
Bill Weinberg (10.04.2005)
Hugo Chavez is in a difficult position. He needs more oil and gas revenues
to fund the populist social programs which guarantee his support among
the peasants and urban poor. But cooperation with the multinational
industrial agenda for the bloody border zone may cost him his support
among indigenous peoples. Worse still, by welcoming oil companies which
appear to be cooperating in a destabilization drive, he could be making
a noose for his own neck.
Peace Community under occupation by Virginia
McGlone (10.04.2005)
After eight years of existence, the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado
in Antioquia, Colombia, continues to stand strong in the midst of a
war that they do not want to be part of. But in the wake of the Feb.
21 massacre of community leader Luis Eduardo Guerra together with his
eleven-year-old son and six close friends and relatives, the community
faces the gravest crisis of its history.
Action must be taken to guarantee the safety of abducted Human Rights
Defenders by Amnesty International
The work of human rights defenders must be respected by all parties
to the conflict, said Amnesty International today in reaction to the
abduction of five human rights activists working with the Afro-descendant
community of Jiguiamiandó and Curvaradó in the department
of Chocó.
Soldiers Kill More Civilians by Weekly
News Update on the Americas (03.04.2005)
On Mar. 27, relatives found the bodies of Colombian campesinos Javier
Alexander Cubillos, Wilder Cubillos and Heriberto Delgado at the morgue
in Fusagasuga, Cundinamarca department. The army had taken their bodies
there, claiming they were guerrillas killed in combat. The three men
were Communist Party activists from the community of San Juan de Sumapaz,
in the federal district of Bogota, just north of Fusagasuga.
Peace Community Displaced by Weekly News
Update on the Americas (03.04.2005)
The Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado in the Colombian department
of Antioquia announced in an Apr. 1 statement that it had begun to leave
the hamlet of San Jose.
Army Kills More Civilians by Weekly News
Update on the Americas (27.03.2005)
On Mar. 6, Colombian Army troops shot to death three civilians and wounded
seven others--one of whom later died --in the village of Corocito, Tame
municipality, in the eastern Colombian department of Arauca.
Campesino Murdered by Weekly News Update
on the Americas (27.03.2005)
On Mar. 19 or 20, paramilitaries hired by a local landowner stabbed
or hacked to death campesino leader Luis Enrique Perez as he worked
near the bank of the Caparo river in Santa Barbara municipality, Barinas
state, Venezuela. Perez was a leader of the Ezequiel Zamora National
Campesino Front (FNCEZ).
Campesinos March by Weekly News Update
on the Americas (27.03.2005)
On Mar. 16, some 10,000 Paraguayan campesinos marched in the capital,
Asuncion, to press their demands. (Semanario Hoy, the publication of
Argentina's Revolutionary Communist Party, gave the number of marchers
as 20,000.) The column of marchers stretched for six blocks along four
lanes of Eusebio Ayala avenue.
of "Killer Coke" catches on by
Lou Paulsen (02.03.2005)
The three biggest universities in Ireland and the University of Edinburgh
in Scotland have banned Coca-Cola. A march protested Coca-Cola's sponsorship
of the Sundance Film Festival. "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart"
mentioned the boycott. And the Service Employees, the biggest U.S. union,
endorsed the boycott at its 2004 convention.
steps up intervention in Venezuela, Colombia by
Berta Joubert-Ceci (27.01.2005)
Washington is rapidly and dangerously stepping up its hostile acts against
Hugo Chávez's Bolivarian government in Venezuela. A Jan. 14 article
in the right-wing Washington Times newspaper quoted a Bush senior official
as saying, "The administration will begin a
broad campaign in Latin America soon, urging friendly countries to reassess
their relations with Mr. Chávez and to speak up against his authoritarian
and anti-democratic rule".
US / Colombia Plot Against Venezuela by
James Petras (25.01.2005)
A major diplomatic and political conflict has exploded between Colombia
and Venezuela after the revelation of a Colombian government covert
operation in Venezuela, involving the recruitment of Venezuelan military
and security officers in the kidnapping of a Colombian leftist leader.
Objective Reality of Plan Patriota by
James J. Brittain (25.01.2005)
In response to their failure to eliminate the guerrillas and their corroborators
throughout rural Colombia under the guise of the war on drugs, the U.S.
and Colombian governments have reformulated their politico-economic
and military strategy toward the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
- People’s Army (FARC-EP), now targeting the Marxist rebel group
as part of the war on terror.
Imminent Confirmation Bad News for Latin America by
Jessica Leight (25.01.2005)
Rice's outdated Cold War credo suggests her term at the helm of the
State Department will witness no new diplomacy, let alone innovative
ideas. Bush's championing of democracy and freedom in his inaugural
address will no doubt remain nothing more than rhetoric, and dangerous
rhetoric at that. More bad news for Latin America: while Rice’s
words on the region are few, they are retrogressive and full of clichés,
displaying a total absence of any new vision for the region.
Double Standard for Terrorism by Laura
del Castillo Matamoros (24.01.2005)
The Colombian Government’s Lies on the Kidnapping of Rodrigo Granda
and Its "Solidarity" With Venezuelan
Unsafe for union organizers by Berta
Joubert-Ceci (30.12.2004)
Labor unionists around the world know that Colombia is the most dangerous
country for union leaders. A recent visit to the United States by Francisco
Ramírez Cuéllar, president of the Colombian mineworkers'
union, set this fact into clear focus.
from Around Globe Meet, Say No to Imperialism by
Meredith Aby (30.11.2004)
Activists from across the globe met here Nov. 10-14 for the Second International
Conference of the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS).
Organized around the theme "Advance the people's solidarity and
struggle for liberation and democracy against imperialist plunder and
war," the conference drew more than 200 delegates and supporters
from 30 countries in Asia, Europe and North America.
makes U.S. raise military stakes in Colombia by
Bill Weinberg (26.11.2004)
President George W. Bush's quick stop in Colombia
on his return from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in
Chile on Monday brought this forgotten front in Washington's war on
terrorism briefly into the headlines. Bush promised Colombia's President
Alvaro Uribe - his closest South American ally - to boost aid for his
military campaign against leftist guerillas.
Colombia Speaking Tour in the Northeast (11.11.2004)
The International Peace Observatory, a new organization formed in Colombia,
has the idea of not only informing people in the United States of the
situation in Colombia, but also to accompany threatened communities
and processes through nonviolent international presence. In this small
way, we can help to open up spaces for social organizing in Colombia.
CAN Calls
National Days of Action for Colombia by Fight
Back Staff (30.10.2004)
The Colombia Action Network has called for national days of action,
Nov. 1 through Nov. 6, to support Colombian trade unionists and to stop
Plan Colombia. Plan Colombia is the U.S. military aid package given
to Colombia’s death squad government. "Boycott
Killer Coke, No Blood for Oil!".
on Increased U.S. Military Presence in Colombia by
Colombia Support Network (12.10.2004)
The Colombia Support Network (CSN), which has worked for the last 16
years to promote a negotiated resolution of the conflict in Colombia,
is very disappointed by the action of the conference committee of the
US Congress in voting to support an increase of US military personnel
in Colombia from 400 to 800 persons and of private US contract workers
from 400 to 600.
Peasant Leader Speaks Out Against U.S. Intervention by
Thistle Parker-Hartog and Meredith Aby (26.09.2004)
Members of the Colombia Action Network interviewed Colombian peasant
leader Miguel Cifuentes, the executive secretary of the Cimitarra River
Valley Peasant Association.
Commission exposes Colombian gov't coverup by
Berta Joubert-Ceci (23.09.2004)
On Sept. 7 the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo printed an article titled,
"The Prosecutor's office ordered the capture
of three military officers for the deaths of three union leaders in
Arauca." Since it's general knowledge in the international
labor movement that Colombia is the most dangerous place for union leaders,
this should not be a surprising article.
What the
World Thinks of This Empire by Mumia Abu Jamal
A recent book on the dark and dangerous ties between Colombia and the
US shows the latest features of this trend.
Colombia's Unions: Under
Attack and Fighting Back by Meredith Aby (22.08.2004)
Colombia is the most dangerous place in the world
to be a trade unionist. On average, right-wing paramilitary death squads
or the military murder three Colombian trade unionists a week. Many
more are threatened each day. At the same time the U.S. has given more
than $3 billion in military aid, which funds both the military and paramilitary
war on Colombian trade unionists, human rights workers and campesinos
Eyewitness Colombia: unions
develop strategy against death squads by Workers
World News Service (29.07.2004)
Four participants in the June International Caravan
to Save the Lives of Colombian Workers gave first-hand accounts of their
trip at a Workers World meeting here on July 16. They spoke about the
repression and resistance in Colombia, urging solidarity from the U.S
anti-war movement and labor unions.
Union sows resistance
to corporate farming by Jana Silverman
The United National Agricultural Workers Union Federation
(Fensuagro) represents farm laborers and small farmers in 22 of Colombia's
32 provinces. The union also fights for farmer credit and pushes for
agrarian reform in a country with one of the world's most unequal distributions
of land. And the union promotes Colombian food security and food sovereignty.
In Colombia, union busters
come in the night by Betsey Piette (15.07.2004)
Globalization's war against the workers has taken
a heavy toll in this tropical city of 1.5 million people on Colombia's
northeastern Atlantic coast, an 18-hour bus ride over the mountains
from Bogota, the capital. Over the past decade 68 union leaders, students,
teachers and political activists from Barranquilla have been murdered.
Int'l visitors show solidarity
with Colombia workers by Berta Joubert-Ceci
From June 20 to June 26, some 60 delegates from
Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, the Basque Country, Germany, Ireland,
Britain and the United States participated in an International Caravan
to Save the Lives of Colombian Workers.
Colombian unions fight
back: Int'l caravan to challenge repression by
Berta Joubert-Ceci (10.06.2004)
SINALTRAINAL, the Colombian Coca-Cola workers' union,
and others will host an International Caravan to Save the Lives of Colombian
Workers from June 21-25. Several international delegations have already
pledged support for this crucial event, including one from the United
Colombia 3 acquitted of
trumped up charges by Susanne Kelly (13.05.2004)
Three Irish activists who spent 32 months in Colombian
jails were acquitted on April 26 of trumped-up charges of terrorism.
But it is not clear when they will be allowed to return home to Ireland.
Int'l caravan backs Colombian
union by Heather Cottin (13.05.2004)
The Colombian Coca-Cola workers' union, SINALTRAINAL,
has called for an international caravan to travel to Colombia in solidarity
with the union movement there. In response to this call, the International
Caravan to Save the Lives of Colombian Workers will take place from
June 20 to June 30.
U.S. Latin-American Strategy
Focuses on Colombia by Berta Joubert-Ceci
Colombia today is more strategic to Washington's
hegemonic plan in the region than ever before. It is no coincidence
that the military component of the Free Trade Area of the Americas is
called Plan Colombia.
Terror in Colombia, An
instrument of 'Free Trade' Policy? by Bill Weinberg
Uribe's visit to Coral Gables made headlines in
the United States; the numerous atrocities in Colombia so far this year
have not. But against this backdrop, Uribe's assurances to investors
appear in a stark light--as does the annual ritual of "certification."
The paras are the actual enforcers of the promised favorable investment
Film Documents 'Red
Dance' of Annihilation by Constanza Vieira
The Colombian documentary film "El
baile rojo" (The Red Dance), competing
this week at an international film festival, marks an effort to restore
collective memory of an experiment in reconciliation that was erased
by blood and fire from the country's political map.
Bolivar, Marx and the liberation
of Latin America by Workers World News Service
The prevalent slogan--"Beware
imperialists, Bolivar's sword is going throughout Latin America"--is
not an empty threat. The people are moving.
Media: Blind spot in
drug-war coverage by Phillip Cryan
If the media were going to report on the effects
of U.S. antidrug efforts, they'd have to focus on this southern Colombian
town of 7,000 inhabitants. Just outside Villagarzon, the Colombian army
established its first U.S.-funded counternarcotics brigade, the central
component of Plan Colombia, a multibillion dollar aid package signed
by President Bill Clinton in 2000.
is pleased: Colombia offers amnesty to death squads by
Teresa Gutierrez (02.10.2003)
The administration of President Alvaro Uribe
Velez of Colombia continues to implement a reactionary agenda in an
attempt to consolidate a neo-fascist state. As unionists, human rights
organizations and popular sectors are brutally targeted by the deadly
paramilitaries, Uribe is carrying out measures that will bring more
bloodshed and turmoil.
and Paramilitary Terror in Colombia`s Cimitarra Valley by
Bill Weinberg (27.08.2003)
We developed our own plan for a sustainable
economic alternative. We
called for roads, schools, hospitals, mills for sugar and rice, local
cooperatives to exploit fish and timber, so the campesinos can take
their product directly to the market without intermediaries. These solutions
could work. But there is no political will to provide the resources.
The region means nothing to those in power.
Paramilitary Terror and
the Struggle for Colombia`s Oil by Bill Weinberg
For over two months now, Colombia´s most important
oil refinery, at the tropical river port of Barrancabermeja, in central
Santander department, has been under occupation by the military.